Thursday, April 17, 2014

weekend bounty

I did a little treasure hunting over the weekend and found these beauties.

I'm not really sure what this needle/screwdriver/pincher thing is but I've seen one before. 

There could be many uses for this me thinks!

These lovely red rackets.
Now I just need a bouncy ball or badminton birdie and my summer beach holiday will be complete.


My sentiments, exactly.

I love a children's book that keeps it real.

I actually have on EXACTLY like this.
My dad entrusted his to me one time when he was visiting, like a family heirloom.
If you have one and are a diy-er, you'd know why.
When I saw this, I knew it found it's new home.

Nothing a little rust-o-leum can't cure.
These are just screaming to hold up a shelf.

A practically almost new mat for my garden door.

Not bad for three bucks fifty.


  1. I found that book for Emmett a few years back at a flea market!

  2. Birds of a feather! The ONLY thing I don't love is on pg 45. It says "Wild animals are much happier living in the woods or even a zoo." :( I'm going to put the period after woods and block out "or even in a zoo". Then it'll be perfect. I'm not sure if this book is for me or Nama :)
