Sunday, April 20, 2014


I have slug issues.

Little Rock can get humid and when it does, the slugs come out. They love hostas, I'm told, of which I have quite a lot, and they (the hostas) like shade, of which I also have quite a lot. Slugs also seem to like cat food, and because I feed Squeek on the front porch, when ever it's humid, the slugs get in it. And it's gross and slimy. I read somewhere that if you put beer in a low dish or can, it will lure the slugs to it. I was skeptical and over the years, relied on trying to remember to move the cat food inside, or at least put it on a chair before dusk. This had a 50% effectiveness due to my forgetting to do it half the time. Although, a few times the slugs found the food anyways...ick.

I happened to have a can(!) of Budweiser(!). (I know someone left it here because I cannot remember ever buying that beer, even as a broke college student a hundred years ago I bought Shiner Bock. And now I really don't even drink beer, except on the rarest of occasions. I like vino.)

I decided to try the beer in the can trick and holy hell, it worked. On the second day, there was a slug in a can. It was so disgusting and lifeless and solid seeming. I did NOT touch it, but after years of dealing with live slugs, I could just tell. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Some people put salt on them but that seems cruel and painful for the slug. I like to think the slug got drunk and fell asleep. The BIG sleep. Nice and peaceful like.

Some strategically placed slug traps:

I decided not to show the one with the dead slug out of respect for poor creature. Also this is not a snuff blog.

Plus it could be extra bad karma. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

weekend bounty

I did a little treasure hunting over the weekend and found these beauties.

I'm not really sure what this needle/screwdriver/pincher thing is but I've seen one before. 

There could be many uses for this me thinks!

These lovely red rackets.
Now I just need a bouncy ball or badminton birdie and my summer beach holiday will be complete.


My sentiments, exactly.

I love a children's book that keeps it real.

I actually have on EXACTLY like this.
My dad entrusted his to me one time when he was visiting, like a family heirloom.
If you have one and are a diy-er, you'd know why.
When I saw this, I knew it found it's new home.

Nothing a little rust-o-leum can't cure.
These are just screaming to hold up a shelf.

A practically almost new mat for my garden door.

Not bad for three bucks fifty.

Monday, April 14, 2014

some good advice and my compost bin

Week 2:

Last week, I had a consultation with Chris at Little Rock Urban Farming. He came to my house and surveyed the lot, it's potential, and the current garden. He gave me so much information, I had to take notes! I've decided is that the plan will have phases, as I couldn't possibly do all the work we discussed before the summer. But, I have a good start and with a bit of elbow greece, I'll have a nice sized little veggie garden this season, and with these changes, a bountiful one!!

Phase 1:

  • convert an existing raised bed to a dedicated herb garden
  • install raised bed along side of driveway for veggies
  • install raised bed in north corner of front yard
  • add red wigglers (worms!) to compost bin
  • order compost from a recommended place here in Little Rock

Project for this week:
  • Pick up the worms from Chris and put them to work!
  • Make final decisions on raised bed design (I've been hemming and hawing), purchase materials, and build it. 

Last year I built a compost bin and here is how it went:

Hopefully it will be around a while. I used cedar so it would hold up to the elements

Hardware cloth holds everything in while allowing it to breathe.

deck screws to avoid corrosion (also, I just happened to have them)

beveled ends to sink into the pea gravel 

finished and in place!

handy pin latch

the front opens for easy access

here it is today, pretty full, in need of worms!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

plant it: grow it: eat it

I'm starting a new challenge. I am proposing 10 projects in 10 weeks in order to get my garden going. 10 weeks should be enough time to get everything I need set in motion for a bountiful veggie garden. I have several projects in mind already and I'm sure some other needs will surface as I go. So without further ado, 

10 projects 
10 weeks

Week 1, project 1:  

I have contacted the fine folks at Little Rock Urban Farming and I have an onsite consultation booked for tomorrow! I am so excited to have them come and advise me. After 6 years of less than mediocre gardening results, I've decided to bring in experts. The bonus is that their farm is in my neighborhood, so they'll be very familiar with the soil and whatnot for this area. They are coming in the afternoon, and hopefully it'll be sunny so they can see the best spots for planting, etc. I have a long list of questions I want to ask about moving existing shrubs, and placement of certain things. I Can't wait to hear what they have to say.

On another note:

I saw some very inspiring things to make my backyard awesome over at I may need a tent to hang out in....

Sunday, April 6, 2014

settling in and some treasure hunting, going full circle

It's been a pretty busy week getting Olive settled in. She is not so in love with Baxter, unfortunately. It's taking a little longer for them to become friends than I'd wished, but at least there haven't been any MAJOR incidents. Just your garden variety hissing and growling, and a couple of paw smacks. Baxter doesn't seem to mind her too much. If she would just get on board with being a sibling, everything would be cool. Baxter is so old and half blind, he barely is aware of her anyways, but he does like to sit on anything she has sat on and that pretty much pisses her off. I am assured by those who have been down this road that it just takes a little time.  It's already better that it was the 1st day they actually co-habitated. I separated them completely the 1st couple days that she was here, and gradually increased their together time like the pros say to do. 

......fingers crossed.

On another note, I did some treasure hunting this weekend. 

i love this tiny frame


This album has a couple of real gems on it including a duet with Tom Petty.
I LOVE Nicks/Petty duets. 

Perhaps unexpected?

And......2 little persian rugs!! Oh, my delight when saw these, and though they are little bit worn, they don't smell like cat pee, or any of the other nasty things old rugs might do. They are perfect little additions to my living room and smaller back-o-the-house room.

And lastly, this lovely little dome lidded plate set. 


Can you imagine my surprise when I saw this? I made this well over 10 years ago, and only made 2 ever. I do not even use this motif anymore, and I don't have any samples from this time. I was a bit put off by the absurdly LOW price it was marked at $6!!!! It's pristine, not a chip or a crack. At first I felt funny buying my own work (surreal!), but then I scooped it up and am pleased as punch to be reunited with it. 
welcome home!