Sunday, April 6, 2014

settling in and some treasure hunting, going full circle

It's been a pretty busy week getting Olive settled in. She is not so in love with Baxter, unfortunately. It's taking a little longer for them to become friends than I'd wished, but at least there haven't been any MAJOR incidents. Just your garden variety hissing and growling, and a couple of paw smacks. Baxter doesn't seem to mind her too much. If she would just get on board with being a sibling, everything would be cool. Baxter is so old and half blind, he barely is aware of her anyways, but he does like to sit on anything she has sat on and that pretty much pisses her off. I am assured by those who have been down this road that it just takes a little time.  It's already better that it was the 1st day they actually co-habitated. I separated them completely the 1st couple days that she was here, and gradually increased their together time like the pros say to do. 

......fingers crossed.

On another note, I did some treasure hunting this weekend. 

i love this tiny frame


This album has a couple of real gems on it including a duet with Tom Petty.
I LOVE Nicks/Petty duets. 

Perhaps unexpected?

And......2 little persian rugs!! Oh, my delight when saw these, and though they are little bit worn, they don't smell like cat pee, or any of the other nasty things old rugs might do. They are perfect little additions to my living room and smaller back-o-the-house room.

And lastly, this lovely little dome lidded plate set. 


Can you imagine my surprise when I saw this? I made this well over 10 years ago, and only made 2 ever. I do not even use this motif anymore, and I don't have any samples from this time. I was a bit put off by the absurdly LOW price it was marked at $6!!!! It's pristine, not a chip or a crack. At first I felt funny buying my own work (surreal!), but then I scooped it up and am pleased as punch to be reunited with it. 
welcome home!

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